Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Running Away, Perservering, and Power

Yesterday I drew the 9 of Swords as my daily draw. It's one of those cards which make people's hearts sink, but naturally I don't personally look at it like that. The Rider-Waite image shows a distressed-looking woman with a lot of swords hanging over her, but the swords don't have to be negative. I see the universe as holding a huge variety of possibilities, nearly all of which can be influenced as they occur anyway.
It proved to be a 9 of Swords sort of day: I won't bore you with the details but a few annoyances in my new workplace came to a head. As it happens I'm on a six months probation as a new starter anyway, but it's frankly looking less likely that I will stay beyond that.
The swords in the card can also represent the sort of snapshots that in my INFJ way I keep squirreled away to be chewed over at a later date. This was a Benedictine abbot in my misspent youth talking about perserverance. He talked about just staying in the monastery as some great thing in itself, but I'm not sure. Especially as his own monastery to which he devoted his life is now closed with one monk in prison, another facing accusations... I can see that if you keep on running away that isn't good, but while you face the swords you have to decide what to do.
I'm also interested to see that now I have walked out of one job the urge is strong to do it again. I'm not going to, though. One of the probems I have is that when you've worked under my previous manager, Zippy, anything else can only be an improvement.
That said, I have learned that it's not worth just holding on for the sake of it, or for stubbornness, because you end up giving to something which isn't worth it. You actually hand your power over to the thing oppressing you.
Then today, I swear I shuffled the cards really well but I drew the 9 of Swords again! And the proof that the card isn't completely negative fell into my lap with a new 'sword' - another job was advertised that is a promotion and I'm eligible for...
Let's see!

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