Thursday, July 21, 2016

Free from Slavery

Believe it or not this is my fifth attempt at writing this post and I'm going to try to keep it simple.
'You will be free from slavery,' says the Goddess traditionally, and without being side-tracked into writing a piece about what freedom really means, I think it can suffice to say that for the witch this can mean a number of things. Freeing us from what is holding us back to reincarnate, for one. Freeing us from society's expectations, which enables magic to happen, for another.
This also means that my expectations must change. There is a prevailing mythology in our society that we must love (define this as you will). My personal empirical experience is that some people will always be turds and I don't feel the need to look positively on them. Being free from that imperative means I have to change what I expect, since my world view has adjusted to match my experience.
That said, gone is the continual disappointment when I find once again I've attracted an idiot. Gone is the expectation that the universe will provide me with love.
Instead, I am forced to make my own relationship with the universe. Shit happens, and I really don't think the universe is that bothered, but I am required voluntarily to enter a covenant relationship with the universe placing requirements on myself, this mutuality being the witch's co-creation with the divinity within the universe, there to be seen by the eyes which are open.
There - unpolished and home spun, and all mine own.

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