Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Universe's Gift

Regular readers will recall how last year I placed Zippy my 'manager' under the judgement of the Goddess. You can read about it in this post. I have wound up being the agent of this judgement, as is usually the case.
The gift of the universe to me is that I have been moved to a part of our organisation which works closely with the police, which is pretty much a wet dream of a job for me. This comes close on the heels of having a week at home at the organisation's expense because of the difficulties sorting this out. Zippy's boss is furious, and not with me, in fact she commented on how easy to deal with i am. My union rep thinks one of my colleagues has had a final warning and has only not been dismissed because Zippy has never managed her. My rep also implied that I can't expect the big boss actually to say that my 'manager' is a tw*t. I don't need to, I said, I can see it in Zippy's face.
The 'team' i work in is disintegrating quite quickly. People have left, others haven't started, Zippy's off sick.
The retaliation has started. The one who got the warning has gone round telling people I've made things up about her. That's right, cause trouble for me, I always have more info than anyone else and whatever they try to do - Zippy's not managed me either so there's a limit to what can happen. The contents of my statement has got back to me and it should have been confidential. This is the point at which it really falls apart - would you like to give me an opportunity to roll it back at you?


  1. I saw a life-sized Zippy in the window of a secondhand emporium I walked past this morning. Perhaps your Zippy's trying to start a new life in Norwich?

    1. Poor Norwich! I'm sure she'll think better of it when she discovers her reputation has gone ahead of her...


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