Sunday, November 8, 2015

A question for the witch to ask herself

A number of years ago I printed out a quote from Z Budapest which impressed me very much at the time (& still does). It is in Margot Adler's Drawing Down the Moon, & Z is talking in the context of her suicide attempt. She describes the witch's approach to life as one where you turn things around to work for you, celebrate what you have done before, & are always asking what you can do next.
I love this spirit of looking for what you can do. I would just presume to add one question to this, which is the question I find I most often ask myself: How am I going to get enjoyment out of this situation? This is more in an attempt to give my life a flavour of child-like experiment & fun, which is the essence of magic, & avoid drudgery & duty, rather than to deliberately make fun of things.
In this spirit, having just got into work, I just went in to say hello to my 'manager' (pictured). Yes, I know she's difficult to see, but I thought she may need some encouragement actually to read my occupational health report, which says there isn't a health problem & she's a f*ckwit. To this end, I took her out of the drinks cabinet, slapped her face till she sobered up & laid her face-up on the altar where she's forced to be confronted with her own idiocy.
When I cheerily said hello, she actually looked at her window as if she wanted to jump out of it. Shame.

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