Wednesday, June 5, 2024


I posted some time ago that I wasn't cursing my then MP, incumbent Labour MP since 2010 and now Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate. I said that she has cursed herself by annoying a considerable part of the constituency. Then a complete unknown Independent candidate who took 20% of the votes for West Midlands mayor out of nowhere, stood as an independent in this constituency. Despite this being one of the safest Labour constituencies in the country Labour are worried and have declared this a battleground seat. Of course I wouldn't be a witch if I didn't meddle.

But first look at the Royal Proclamation at the top, bringing that terrible parliament to an end. What a thing of beauty! In fact I love this bit of an election where there are no MPs and parliament is dissolved completely!

As it happens I'm not going to vote for the independent, because I have some reservations about him. Instead I'm going to vote Green, not only because I want a Green government but with the intention of dividing Labour's HUGE majority as much as possible. There is no risk of returning a Conservative here: we haven't had a Tory MP since World War 2 and the highest percentage they've got recently is 12%. My plan is a long term one because I think the same MP will be returned again with a smaller majority: the aim is to encourage people locally to feel able to vote for something other than Labour.

As this candle burns down Shabhana Mahmood's majority falls and falls and falls.

Frankly we're in the unique position for the UK that the Tory party is on life support and the right wing is divided by two parties, ie exactly the same problem that means we don't get left wing governments. I think it is the time therefore to vote for what we really want. The best outcome would be a hung parliament IMO although we won't get that, and I'd love the Opposition to be Lib Dem. Mainly because it would increase the likelihood of them being the next government in our First Past the Post system but who wouldn't vote for them after this stunt?

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