Thursday, September 7, 2023

Urban Grimoire: The Benefits of Blocking

I have written here before about the similarities of many acts we perform in social media with some of the classical magical acts. This post is inspired by my complete conversion to the satisfying act of blocking other accounts on social media.
You'll note of course that I say 'accounts' rather than 'people', and the sad fact is that many of the most annoying accounts on social media aren't people at all, they're computers pretending to be people and this is only going to get worse as Artificial Intelligence improves.
That said, judging by the conversational ability of some people I would rather communicate with AI but that's a whole different subject.
In fact sometimes I wonder whether troll accounts' relentless parroting of stupid things means the person behind them even is technically a person. You have to wonder whether the lack of empathy or conscience of these people actually means they're lacking some essential human characteristics.
Be that as it may, you don't want to deal with them and my message of hope for the world is that you don't have to.
Block them.
Go on, don't even say anything to them, just block them.
Now, if you're thinking that they're saying stupid dangerous things on the internet and someone has to challenge their nonsense because other people might be affected by it, you're just proving that you do have a conscience and empathy for other people, which it is important to remember that internet trolls don't. In fact I used to think that they should be combatted but have abandoned that idea. I think the reality in 2023 is that the world has divided between the nice people who live in reality and the idiots who don't. Yes, I know I'm being horrible, but we live in a shitty world populated by cunts and I'm not going to waste my remaining years arguing with them.
So I have changed position on this and honestly it's glorious.
I've gone from regretfully blocking the most annoying accounts occasionally to full scale block fests. While I was still on Twitter I once blocked 367 accounts in one sitting. I've even started leaving a passive aggressive ending on comments that I'll just block you if you reply stupidly. I block people because I don't like their profile picture. I block them because their dog is over groomed. I block them because I don't like their house. The slightest mention of bitcoin and you're blocked. I even block people because I've taken one of my famous dislikes to them; all these as well as the more obvious reasons that their politics, racial views and anything else about them are loathsome.
The magical act which I think this is most like is either binding (although specific to me, not stopping them harming generally, which would be more like reporting them) or one of those spells where you just fade into the background so the target doesn't notice you. It actually does have a magical power because it's not allowing the account to have access to you. I just don't think it's true when people say people only have the power over you that you allow them, because, hello, what about rape. But in social media terms it is actually possible to stop someone having access to you at the press of a button.
I've actually started setting out to block people: yes I know I'm a misanthropist but I have found that blocking a lot of people has the effect of quietening down the conversation on a lot of posts. The best way to do this is to find one of sort of posts which are like a magnet to gammons and MAGATs: usually ones of youngsters misbehaving, of poverty in the US, of people suffering some terrible misfortune, or pictures of groups such as Jews or People of Colour. I honestly don't know what sort of a cunt you have to be to make abusive comments on a video of a mentally ill person, drug addict or asylum seeker, but I know that I don't want them around me and just block them all.
The reader will of course also recognise that a power analysis of this means I'm not giving them power. It took me a long time to get this but not engaging does actually not give them what they want, and might actually make them piss off if they're a real person. And this is absolutely doing the Great Work.
I only have one exception to this which is that I make a point of insulting brexiteers, adding that I'll give them time to read it before blocking them and then block them when they get enraged. Because pointing out their error to Leave voters is a national pleasure and sport just like cricket and cheese rolling, and I have to do that and then block them.
When I started thinking about this post I was thinking that I should probably include a potential downside of blocking loads of accounts, and was thinking that I would probably identify that it would be losing an opportunity to influence the audience to an interaction. However on further reflection I think that in 2023 social media users have no excuse not to have an understanding of how disinformation is used online and will not be easily deflected from vile opinions. If at this stage you're easily influenced by anti-vaxxers, Brexiteers, Donald Trump, the Cuntservative Party and other liars, you are never going to learn except the hard way. I don't have to inflict you on me.
And treating yourself well is the ultimate act of rebellion in our society.
Let's end with Mark calling in to LBC and demonstrating why this country will never have another bloody revolution and ably demonstrating the reason laughing at things is a banishing ritual in chaos magic:


  1. "I block them because their dog is over groomed." Well, I (and Bitey) have nothing to fear, then. You know, I almost want to sign up to Twitter or the like just so I can block someone, now.

    That video is hilarious! I actually spat at my screen due to the bark of laughter when he gave his reason.

    1. Mark is a national treasure isn't he.
      If you want to block people, many just asking for it have migrated to Threads. ๐Ÿช ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿšฝ

    2. Whatever on Earth is Threads? It's not related to that terrifying nuclear-bomb-over-Sheffield film from back in the day, is it?

    3. It's that social media network that was set up by Zuckerberg as a direct competitor to Twitter. The significance of the name has been remarked on....

  2. Wow, I haven't got time for all that blocking! I only have Facebook with the highest privacy settings possible to follow pages/groups of interest; Gardening, writing/art and a local Buy Nothing free giving group, also to keep in touch with long-distance friends and family. I'd rather delete and account than tolerate other people's nonsense.

    The most popular comment I ever made was during the middle of Covid.
    Some random woman in a group: "I just need to speak my truth and warn you all about the dangers of the Covid vaccine..." Me: "Your Truth is wrong."

    Nothing gets me zero to uppity faster than the phrase 'speaking my truth', because no one has ownership of the truth. You can try to hide it, ignore it or be too stupid to understand it, but that doesn't change the facts.

    1. I quite take your point, and in fact do use Facebook slightly differently because it's a nightmare. I do have it but basically don't use it and when I do mainly observe.
      My next covid booster is booked for the day after tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰ and I still can't get 5G.

    2. Yay, on the Covid booster! I barely notice a difference between 4g and 5g or I'm so spoiled with it I'm taking it for granted. The Covid boosters were just okay'd here by the FDA so hopefully we can get ours soon.


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