Friday, September 15, 2023

The Witch Mediates Fate

'If Miss Treason gave judgement against you, it was really not a good idea (everyone said) to ask for your present back, as being turned into something small and sticky often offends.' Terry Pratchett

I posted in June about how Birmingham City Council had the temerity to have a run in with me after not paying their staff right for years and how I just knew something big was coming. Obviously I'm not responsible for the complete financial collapse which followed (they are) but the point was witches tend to get placed in turning points in life and history and oversee people either fucking themselves up or sorting things out.

Then in July I reflected on how Boris Johnson was flailing around like someone cursed by me. Of course he was - I cursed him last year. 

Of course there was only one way my magical signature was going to play out with Birmingham Shitty Council, and I noted that the council were claiming that they would not be putting in a Section 114 notice. This is the declaration required by law to say that a council cannot meet its spending obligations (full details here). I, of course, said that they would be making this declaration.

Bab, I'm not even going to bother telling you what happened next. You already know.

There is a very powerful magic spell which in Muggle terms is called an audit. What happened next was they got audited and I think we can truthfully say that while we all expected it to be bad, even I wasn't prepared for the full extent of utter incompetence that was revealed. And I mean even to the extent that their electronic accounts were so insecure that just anyone could literally alter them. Utter shambles.

This is exactly the sort of turning point my magic revolves around although I've been little more than an interested observer in this one.

I can also tell them what's coming next, and since the council are still claiming that central government will not need to get involved, obviously that's what will happen. This isn't even really a prediction, apparently it nearly always happens when a council collapses.

Fools, utter fools.


  1. What happens if a council collapses? Will there be elections for a new body of council members? I just can't imagine a bunch of Brits residing in a state of anarchy very long. It sounds uncharacteristic. BTW, I've made a confession of sorts, three actually, and neither you nor IDV have commented on the "Strange Interludes" yet. I'm hoping you'll share some of your own and I want to know what you would have done in the shop that wasn't there.

    1. I've gone over and read them with appreciation and commented! My own favourite confession is what happened with a bus driver in Manzoni Gardens, but I don't need to tell that, you can guess!
      I hope we're about to find out what happens if a council collapses because it's beyond a joke and has been going on too long. I've read a bit about what happens when they run out of money and it just looks like central government put some money in, judging by other councils, although they weren't as bad.
      Of course I want it to collapse because they've lost touch with reality, but you guessed that.

    2. Did you get a special ride of another sort? ;-) Every day is an adventure. You've got to make the most of it because tomorrow isn't guaranteed for any of us. I have to imagine there will still be some kind of emergency election or at least one to three people selected by upper government to take charge of the council restructuring, redistricting or whatever comes of it.

    3. I knew you knew. And fingers crossed about the council. 🤞


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