Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Have a Witchy New Year

Of course I am celebrating the new year with the womanly arts of witchcraft. I did some clothes repairs and sauntered over to the Jewellery Quarter to sacrifice some black sesame seeds in Warstone Lane cemetery. Sadly the needs of witches are rarely considered in town planning and the convenient Park Street cemetery is boarded up for HS2. On the other hand, how I laughed when I found the brand of black sesame seeds in the Chinese supermarket was Honor.
I have enjoyed baby sitting a cat but he is going back to his normal human early because the human is not helping me in a particular problem so I am not feeling the need to do him any favours and find myself out of pocket on cat litter!
As for what the problem is, well of course despite being one of the more obvious homosexual men you could wish to meet I am a c*nt magnet so am in the early stages of a grievance already in my new workplace and of course am finding allies!


  1. Hmmm... Someone doesn't look too pleased at having an impromptu photoshoot...

    Why do I find myself unsurprised at your news of a new workplace grievance? Although, perhaps it is best to get it all over and done with now, allowing you and your non-c*nt colleagues to work in a better environment?


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