Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Weighing up

Sometimes things go quiet, and that is reflected in my posting here. The wise witch uses these to recuperate ready for whatever ridiculousness is coming next.
These times are turning points but it is as if the witch is at the centre of the turning bit. My problem colleague is off on long term sick. I am still looking for another job rather lackadaisically, since I want something I like.
But the main sign for me that things are turning is that I have a number of illnesses going on, and illness is the universe's frequent way of communicating to us. It is telling me to slow down and think about it, and thus I am.
It's quite nice not to be surrounded by drama, it just feels rather strange!


  1. These illnesses - are they your own, or ones you've inflicted upon someone else?
    If they're your own, I could prepare a nourishing plate of eggs to aid in your recuperation? Catshark and thornback ray eggs ok? I'll just pop the cases into a frying pan...


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