Monday, January 2, 2017

The Future

The universe's new year gift to me has been a major lergy which has had me in bed for several days, so since I'm even more dizzy than usual, don't expect too much.
Funny time of year, this. There is a pull both backwards and forwards in time. Notwithstanding that this year has been a bit tricky, the Hound's tendency is ever onward. I don't need to brood, I know that if you screw me over you will get it come back to you! But it seems to come back when I let it go or even forget about it, so let's create a vision of what I want the next couple of years to be like.
In my work life, I am going to seek a promotion. Not just any promotion but one I really fancy. In fact there's one advertised at the moment and the instant my head stops spinning from my cold I will apply for it.
In my home life I need to get a handle on my finances, since I don't want to be working when I'm 75!
There are some outings I have in mind. I particularly want to stay at the hotel at Burgh Island, the inspiration for Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. If you're fabulously wealthy you can hire the whole island, presumably to lure your targets there.
I would like to go to Carlisle, where my father came from, again.
Finally I have a sort of field trip in mind, to the Witchcraft Museum at Boscastle, notebook in hand, as befits a studious witch.
Learning-wise, I want to get more into the Hebrew Letters and the Major Arcana. I think I have found out why Lévi placed the Fool at 21, so will doubtless have to return to that post at some point.
Of course I reserve the right to change these things at whim, but I still wish a new year as you Will to all my readers.


  1. If you do make it to Burgh Island and Aidan Turner happens to be there in that tiny towel, would you mind bringing him back for Ms Scarlet? Although, I'll probably have to give him a once-over first, just to make sure everything's in working order!

    I hope you've managed to banish that lurgy by now?

    1. Sweet of you to ask, it's hanging on for grim life.
      Actually I would have to go with a lorry for the lucky, lucky sand a young Russell Tovey sat on in Evil Under the Sun, which was filmed there.
      In good news - I have read that a long-term target of mine, a real turd, is finally getting his comeuppance! And yes. I did cast a spell!


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