Sunday, October 2, 2022

Spirit of Place: The Cuntservative Party Conference Part 2

What kind of party holds its conference in a dump? One that wants the protest chants to rhyme! Very, very proud 🥲

You know what they say....

Wherever the Tory Party go you'll hear their theme tune, courtesy of Hugh Grant and national treasure Steve Bray:

It's not even just outside: I honestly don't think they'll need the same venue ever again. This is one of the smaller rooms in the ICC:


  1. Tories and Whigs, it's all ancient history to me. I didn't know the party still existed. Judging from that auditorium seating, it seems "just barely" so.

    1. Yeah you don't need a crystal ball for that one. The trouble is they've got more in common with MAGA than the name would imply and are utter fascists.


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