Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Check where your ID is and put gin on the shopping list! The entire country will have a hangover for a week after taking a drink for every Tory unseated!

Yes, I know I predicted it would be in the autumn but this is the nicest way to be wrong.

Local hero and national treasure Fokawolf has started off his campaign for the Tory party with a bang:

I'm afraid you'll have to go to YouTube to hear the sound track to this post:

Pictured: St Paul's in the Jewellery Quarter.


  1. Nothing like chipper resistance music to excite the masses (the less destructive cousin of "incite the masses.") I hope you get the boot prints on the backends that you're hoping for! Some folk need a good kick in the pants!

    1. Yes they'll certainly get the boot prints. We won't get the government I want but heigh ho, I've never yet voted for the actual government and this time will be no exception!


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