Saturday, December 2, 2023

George Santos

Content warning: mental health, abuse

I am strangely fascinated by expelled Congressman and compulsive liar George Santos. How can anyone go through life just fibbing left, right and centre, and expect not to be caught out? It's wild.

In fact one of the reasons I'm so fascinated is that it happens I do know somebody like that who embroiders his history, and who has the exact same thing that you literally can't get a straight answer from him. When I met this person the people over us were sufficiently bothered that they asked him for his CV, which seems straightforward enough. I happen to know that it was a) fictional, b) voluminous and c) barking mad.

And that's the problem, that despite my background in mental health these two men make no sense to me. Typically psychotic beliefs just develop over time but don't change as these guys' stories do. Do they believe the fibs they tell? I can't believe that if someone was acutely mentally unwell enough not to be able to hold their own personality together, they would be able to function in life to, say, get up in the morning or carry on their normal activities. Nothing here makes sense.

I think there's a difference between my acquaintance (who luckily has an unusual name as well as a mania for publishing his lives on the internet so I can keep track of his changing story) doesn't profit by doing this. George Santos has apparently made significant profits from his lies, but my friend has never been well off and has had quite a disjointed life because of the need to keep moving on to a new fantasy when people catch up with him. In common with Santos my friend has also gone by a couple of different names, changing by deed poll, probably to match different identities. As a result the rest of his family currently have a completely different name to him. 🤦 He also has a history of saying he has various illnesses he didn't actually have.

It's also interesting to me that Santos has now started revealing things about the people who voted for his expulsion. The responsible thing, of course, would have been to reveal them using the appropriate channels anyway, since he knew them anyway. Revealing them as retribution feels like he was okay with everyone being corrupt as long as he was safe.

Time to draw some tarot cards! I'm expecting them to be all over the place which they nearly always are with people who are a bit psychopathic.

First it must be said that when shuffling the cards for this kind of reading I tend to take the ones that draw themselves to my attention, usually by sticking out or leaping out. In this case initially no cards stuck out of the deck, but then quite a lot did, and I picked the ones that felt prominent. This feels like his life and personality are very wide-ranging and he has loads of stuff going on, and obviously doesn't want to reveal everything. Frankly he may not be able to hold all his life together in his mind's eye, and may even see his life as a series of snap shots: I suspect this is something he has in common with my friend, who tends to talk about one fantasy at a time. 

First we have the King of Wands, which doesn't surprise me in the slightest. This king is Fire of Fire, the motive power behind the will. He represents the spark which starts things and is utterly unpredictable.

Next we have Justice, a Major Arcana card representing equilibrium or balance. I was expecting the cards to be all over the shop but nobody could put the word balance in the same sentence as Santos.

Then we have 8 of Pentacles, which the Golden Dawn called the Lord of Prudence, another word nobody could mention in connection with him: an indication that when faced with someone as fluid as George Santos the tarot tends to revert to snapshots of aspects of the person's life and personality. Interestingly this is an accurate reflection of what both my friend and George Santos do: tell one fantasy at a time and don't reference the others they've told. In this of course, if they actually are consciously lying and don't believe their story in the there and then, they are spectacularly bad liars. Lying, surely, requires an ability to make your lie hang consistently with the rest of your story and they don't even try. It's possible, of course, that they think everyone does this, and that there is no such thing as truth, everyone telling the story that suits them at the time. If this is the case, the roots of doing this will certainly reach all the way back to childhood: not necessarily abuse but some very inconsistent and incapable parenting, probably in quite a desperate situation. Normally the 8 of Pentacles has a significant reference to work or study and is sometimes called the apprentice card. It is seen as a positive sign that you aren't where you're aiming for yet, but you can get there. Ironically it has a more negative connotation that you're focussing on the small things and not paying attention to the whole picture: those snap shots again.

Next is The Emperor, another Major Arcana card which I wouldn't expect to be around George Santos, but I must remember that this reading has been triggered by my wondering at the fictional nature of his public persona! The Emperor represents the setting down of battle in exchange for rule of law: it's very stable and settled. The Hebrew letter attributed to it indicates a vision into the inner world which nurtures this stability.

Finally we have Strength, yet another Major which is the only one I would have expected to be here! It represents the subduing of nature or animal impulses. Again this may sound odd, but it's the first indicator we've had that animal instincts and impulses even exist in him, and they must surely be present for someone to lie his way into the US Congress.

Perhaps putting this together it's not as contradictory as it seemed to start with. We have an ability to make things happen, even if it is completely unpredictable, leading to an (attempted?) balance or equilibrium. This is spurred on by Santos's ability to work at things, although his tendency to focus on the snapshot in time and inability or unwillingness to look at the whole thing, is what messes this up for him. The Emperor and Strength (and the other cards indicating stability or equilibrium) I think also indicate his self perception or what he wants to happen: it ain't gonna happen but this is the tarot reading of someone who's barmy.

There is another imbalance here, though. In a reading of only five cards he's got the disproportionate number of three of the less numerous Major Arcana. These represent the greater powers in life, the sort of things we can't always control. To get that number suggests he really isn't in control at all. I get the distinct impression of someone who's feeling out of control, trying to control his life but doesn't have the ability to do it in a way which doesn't involve fibbing and so self sabotaging. I think he's one of these people who've had (not necessarily through anyone's fault) an upbringing which hasn't given him the ability to function in society or have sensible coping strategies. If you like the problem is one of poverty rather than violence. This poverty of agency is reflected in only one 'pip' card, the ones which represent actions or events we can control. He's also unfortunate enough to get the apprentice card, reflecting a need to learn how to carry himself. He's also unfortunate to get as his sole Court Card (representing people or personality characteristics) one of the most fiery and unpredictable.

This guy's a trainwreck of inability to live and unstable will and instincts, fighting with his desire for stability and equilibrium. 

It's entirely possible he just didn't understand that standing for Congress would expose him to a level of scrutiny that would reveal the way he carries on his life. But as a final question I have to ask tarot what on earth possessed him to stand for Congress when what has actually happened could well eventuate? He gets one of the barmiest answers you could wish for: the 8 of Cups, Lord of Abandoned Success. This is usually seen as a positive card, the uneven arrangement of the cups suggesting that the success the person is abandoning was somehow wrong and they're reaching for something better or higher. It's possible he has a poisonous combination of poverty of ability and ruthless ambition, or he may have seen Congress as something he deserved or the rule represented by the Emperor. 

But we know his failure to hold his story together was always going to screw the ambition up. This may sound rather uncharacteristic of the fiery Hound, but I'm feeling rather sorry for him in a way I wasn't at the start of this reading. Still wouldn't lend him a fiver and expect to get it back, though.


  1. Don't we all see our lives in a series of snapshots?

    I often struggle to understand what society defines as "normal." I've only recently discovered that my blasé attitude toward having a loaded gun pointed at me is atypical. My layers of trauma look like a geological dig that influences my responses. It's why I'm valuable during emergencies. I've saved lives by being different. Everyone has atypical behavior, what's normal is just an agreed upon illusion of social inclusion. Embellishing ones past or achievements is a coping mechanism.

    George Santos and the friend have told the same lies to themselves so long maybe they've come to believe them as truth. Memory is a strange and elastic thing that scientists are still trying to understand. My brother has a much different narrative to our shared childhood experiences. He's always the victim and doesn't understand why bad things always happen to him. I see that we all have bad experiences and that we all deal with them differently. Maybe closed mind vs open mind? Maybe George Santos needs to make himself appear more special than he actually is because he can't bare the reality of being average in his own eyes.

    I accept that I view the world from a perspective of magical realism, because the alternative is to look into the infinite darkness of space and know that I'm nothing. At least at the granular level of the earth, wrapped in the comfort of an atmosphere I can matter to all the smaller infinite worlds of biological lives that I meet. It gives my existence meaning. What other people call a breaking point I consider a threshold from which to expand or contract from.

    1. Thank you so much for this comment, ProximaBlue. 🙏
      About closed/open mind and choosing how you see things for survival, it never fails to fascinate me how different people see things.
      I also tend to see things differently and personally would not see it as abnormal for someone who's experienced trauma to stare down a gun like you do. I would either see it being so used to danger it's stopped affecting you or that the normal physiological responses to a threat (fight/flight/freeze) have stopped working. The public perception of trauma tends to focus on emotional dysregulation and being over-aroused but being under-aroused is also one.
      Ironically there are loads of health professionals who get this. When I worked in the access centre one of the assistants asked how I could read over 100 referrals for really messy stuff and not be affected. She was a bit shocked when I told her that that wasn't a good sign because it just wasn't going in at all and I wasn't feeling anything! x

  2. You're right, that it is conditioning that has made me under react. I can see within a fraction of a second in their eyes if they intend to shoot-to-kill or not. Me being all blubbery and upset about it won't change the outcome. I'd rather a. be shot dead and be so pissed about it I haunt them, or b. buy time to relieve them of their gun by words or actions. Obviously since I'm typing this b. has been working out for me so far. Hahaha. This is how First Responders and people in Healthcare are able to do their jobs. If we lose our shit, we can't help anyone, not even ourselves. The hardest thing I've ever had to do was to be my own First Responder. Trauma isn't always bad, it's part of adaptation. I personally reject any notion that I'm broken. Scars, yes, many. Wounds that could use some love and care, sure, but not broken.

    I wonder what George Santos will do next? I'll place my bets on a new reinvention of himself. He doesn't seem suicidal and I don't think he'll quietly disappear. I think he'll go back to a smaller pond where he can pretend to be a big fish again like a podcast, talk show, book/publicity deal or local government.

    1. He's got a problem hasn't he, because now he's famous and everyone knows he's a class A bullshitter! I think you're right, somebody on the right will help him to another grift, let's face it they don't mind rapists and abusers so they won't care about a few whoppers!


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