Sunday, August 14, 2022

Tarot: Trump Again

Well, that escalated quickly. And in the approximately five minutes since I last posted a reading on what was going on in tRump's 'mind' the prophetic words of ProximaBlue, 'This only a foreshadowing,' have been echoing around in the universe. 

I've been sounding like a strange sweary version of Robin all week. Holy shit, espionage. Holy shit, the lawyer told the FBI the papers had all been returned. Holy shit, Bratt had to be there in person because nobody else in the DOJ had high enough clearance to see the documents. Holy shit, nuclear codes. Holy shit, espionage. Holy shit Merrick Garland isn't messing around. Holy shit he's fucked. Holy shit they're finger printing every page. Holy shit ten years jail for EVERY PAGE. Holy shit he's going to find out why we don't have sockets in the bathroom because of 240V current in the UK.* Holy shit even the US doesn't have a big enough prison. Holy shit he's melting down because someone has informed. Holy shit I'm glad I'm not on the secret service detail to 'protect' (i.e. stop him leaving the country) him. Holy shit New York are doing an execution on the tRump organization and its assets of $2 43c.

Anyway, of course I wanted to get into tRump's head as his empire crumbles.

The first thing that became apparent was that the cards weren't coming out at all easily as I shuffled them. I was just shuffling and letting any that would, leap out but they just weren't. Given that we're talking about a man with the maturity of a toddler, distress tolerance of your average narcissist and impulse control of a goat, I was surprised at this. Sometimes it just means that someone is very well defended, which would not be the case with tRump because normally I don't think he holds anything back. I think it means something has changed, and he's not sure what to think. If you want to read someone's thoughts and nothing comes out, it means there's nothing coherent. Strangely, no rage, though. I think he realizes he's in unaccustomed territory and is at a loss.

Both cards which did come out were Major Arcana, so he rightly thinks things are out of his control.

1. King of Cups. The King is obviously the one who maintains structure and is the authority figure so I feel this may represent Trump's thoughts about himself. This king can mean subconscious images arising. Cups represent the water element, so unsurprisingly for him represent emotions and relationships, so I think this means he is mainly thinking about his relationships and family. 

Given that the card shows the authority figure on a stable (genius) island surrounded by the changeable waves, I think he feels deeply betrayed and I think this is his main sensation. It's like waves of betrayal from his nearest and dearest trying to wash him away.. He is feeling all this happening around him and still thinks he is the solid authority figure holding his emblems of authority.

2. Queen of Pentacles. Just two court cards is unusual so they're likely to represent two people. Not looking at each other, but surely at this point nobody expects the tRump family to be functioning except in a purely transactional way, do they?

I think the Queen represents the person tRump thinks 'betrayed' him to the FBI. This queen is literally all about fertility and she literally represents the act of impregnation. Even though he's a filthy fuck and I wouldn't put incest past him, I don't think this represents Ivanka, I think the child birth aspects represent Melania and I think he suspects her of grassing him up.

To be fair if you were married to him you would do, but I think the FBI's informant could have been pretty well anyone he's spoken to in the past six months or even the secret service if they overhead or saw something. I wouldn't put it past him to show off the top secret papers to a random visitor.

The most notable thing really is that these cards don't have an obvious connection to a man facing multiple legal cases, one of which can carry the federal death sentence, FFS. He still lacks insight, still doesn't think any of it should be happening and is preoccupied with who has betrayed him. Jesus, after a twenty year career in mental health nursing even I'm finding this unreal.

So the bets are off as to what will happen. I suspect that he'll work his way through more lawyers before this is over, and what kind of masochist would take him on at this point.

It's Barron I feel sorry for, being young enough not to have actually had any involvement in the business. But who knows, perhaps he's handled the nuclear codes. Jesus. TRump's niece Mary is one of my favourite people and estranged from him. I'm about to start rereading her book about the family, Too Much and Never Enough.

But one thing is for certain, the Justice Department are going to go for it. Over there you've still got a more functioning system than us and I doubt we would get to the point where Johnson would face prosecution for misconduct in public office and THAT unaccompanied meeting he had with Russians, just like Trump.

*You may consider this comment tasteless. Well, good. If you didn't think that about this blog there would be something wrong with you.

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