Tuesday, April 7, 2020

On Seeing the First Bare Chest of the Spring

Coronavirus. It's a real indicator of what people are made of. Personally I'm loving being at home but I gather some people are being driven up the wall.
And today I saw my first bare chest of the Spring. I must write to The Times.


  1. Imagine if you had children and lived in a flat with them? Oh, the horror! I do sometimes - only sometimes, mind - feel something akin to sympathy for my sisters (but they live in houses with gardens, so not much that sympathy).

    Did you find yourself temporarily blind after seeing the sun reflected of pale, winter skin? Or was it someone who'd been at the fake tan?

    1. No it was someone who had already been on the sunbed. In 40 years he will look like a prune.
      A friend of my mother's used to attach her toddlers' reins to a stake in the garden and just leave them there, so there are advantages to bringing up children in a house.


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