Tuesday, October 27, 2015


The universe will come up with the resources when the witch needs them. That's one of my little maxims, & today I've had another example of the inertia of the universe helping me.
An occupational health appointment just came through the letterbox. I have already asked my 'manager' to cancel it, but I'm going to follow through. It would be a waste not to say to occy health that she's expecting me to carry more than my weight, failing to provide me with competent colleagues, then making out I can't cope. Like this she'll look a fool in addition to being pissed off her new carpet got ruined the day after it was laid.
Poetic, that's the signature of my magic.


  1. As the saying goes: "Waste not, want not", so yes, take that opportunity.

    P.S. Tell Bungle not to visit your workplace - unless he wants to be your manager's new rug!


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