Saturday, August 31, 2013

I can't avoid psychic vampirism any more

Quite the nicest sort of vampire
I have been trying to avoid this post but mother's early training means I'm ridiculously early for everything so have some time to kill before starting a late shift.
Yesterday I went to the doctor's for a prescription for eye drops. There was an elderly lady there with her son (who must have been pushing seventy) waiting for an ambulance to take her to hospital, whence she had obviously been discharged too soon the day before, after treatment for a stroke.
What this has to do with psychic vampirism is this: the son, who wasn't excessively debilitated himself, had driven his mother to the surgery, put her in a wheelchair, & taken her in. This was a total distance of about 25 yards, but I heard him on the phone to his daughter saying how that had exhausted him.
The exhaustion is the point: it is no coincidence that I mentioned my mother at the beginning of this post, since some people live off other people. I'm not overly concerned by the distinction you read about between those who do it consciously & unconsciously, since the end product is the same.
And here's the real problem with these people: because their life source is other people any attempts to solve the problem as perceived by those around them - that is, them draining the life out of you - is doomed because this isn't a problem for the vampire. A short sharp cut from all relations with them - if this is possible - can be the only way.
Those who do it unconsciously may be prepared to change some of their behaviours & may even be cured of it if we make an alternative source of energy available to them. If after a divination the conclusion is reached that the person does it consciously there are several routes available.
The only way in which a psychic vampire will ultimately stop being parasitical of those around them is through a full & frank realisation/admission of what they do & a resolution to change. Confronting them with it in a non-confrontational way may therefore help. It is no coincidence that the maxim of 'know yourself'' is a major element of magical traditions, since knowing oneself is the key to discerning your own 'stuff' from things happening around you. The magician who doesn't know him or herself is a danger, and amongst other things is in danger both of vampirizing others and being sucked dry by them.
The people whose energy they sap must ensure their defences are up: unfortunately this will then make them vampirise someone else. Those who adhere to the Wiccan rede will be able to see at this point that the use of nonconsensual magic on a psychic vampire is essential to prevent harm to anyone.
What the vampire wants is energy so a longer-term solution is to attach them to an energy source - a volcano, a river, a nuclear power plant, whatever.
If the vampire is your nearest & dearest - an elderly or ill relative is common - sharing the person out with others reduces the drain. Be wary of having children near a vampire - they often have no defences at all. If the vampire is obsessed with a single energy source - a person or group of people - to the extent that they won't leave alone, the only option is an amputation. In my own case a motherectomy stopped it. They won't accept it, but the vampire's own actions lead to this point.
Finally as magical people we have to be aware of our own energy levels & sources, so that we don't become psychic vampires ourselves. Virtually all magical practices connect the practitioner to greater sources of life & energy in addition to the self-awareness mentioned above.

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