Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Donald Trump Reading

I'm hoping that things are finally hotting up for Trump. It's been a while since I've read about him so it's high time we had another look into his deranged world.

Certainly the news has been incredible, even just over the past couple of days.

Ranging from the potentially criminal (why on earth isn't he under arrest),


the odd sensible thing even for Repulsicans, and

the sad,

the deranged,

and the insane.

So let's have a look at how he's coping with this perfect hellstorm of unpopularity and Consequences.

Reading right to left (surely nobody will be surprised that I tend to read backwards unless using a spread with specific places) we have Queen of Cups, 9 of Wands and Knight of Swords. Just to put this out there, all of these cards indicate a totally barmy response to his situation.

The court cards frequently mean either people or personalities, so I would think that in this reading they would either represent people who are important or being blamed in some way. That said the Queen of Cups behaves in the way water transmits (and distorts) things, so I actually think he's feeling the pain now. Not accurately and distorted by his own bizarre world view, but the emotions are flowing now. Since the queen is also blonde there is an obvious person in his life for it to represent, his crush, sorry, daughter Ivanka. I don't think he's sufficiently concerned about anyone for him to be worrying about how his legal trouble would impact on his favourite child, so my money would be that he's worried the legal troubles will eventually get round to Ivanka. And who would be surprised?

The 9 of Wands refers to confrontation pure and simple but the most interesting to my mind is the Knight of Swords. This is a card representing energy all over the place with no real aim or purpose, 'going off on one', and essentially indicative of the way Trump behaves anyway. It must be hell working at Mar a Lago at the moment!

All three cards are looking in the same direction, the direction of reading, and I think he would dearly love to run away to a country without an extradition treaty with the USA. That would make the headlines even more juicy. Lucky he's got a secret service detail on him, isn't it.

I don't do predictive readings (why would I? I'm a witch so the whole point is changing the future) but let's just have a look at the direction this is going in for him.

Finally we have a Major Arcana but of course it has to be the Moon so all bets are off. Pretty well anything could happen at this point because there is so much hidden stuff going on. The picture on the 8 of Cups may make it look better than it is, because it tends to be a card of stagnation and things wrong. I still think the Department of Justice don't want to have to prosecute him and hope he will die before it gets to that point (because when someone has committed about 7 million crimes why would it take this long to arrest them?). Interesting that it then comes back to the Queen of Cups, so I definitely think the legal troubles will extend to other members of the Trump crime family.

Basically, this isn't nearly over and the drama can only increase.

If you're reading this in the US and think this all makes your country sound like a tinpot banana republic, spare a thought for those of us in Europe in a tinpot balkanized banana republic where the criminals in government aren't even facing criminal referrals. 

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