Saturday, September 14, 2019

More Good News

I am delighted to announce that I have a new job, doing the same role with a different employer slightly outside Birmingham. The Ts and Cs are also better, and since my current employer is going down the drain fast, it would be hard for them to be worse.
Oh, alright, have a soundtrack if you insist:
And since I can hear you clamouring for more DesiLu, let's go for it:


  1. Oh, congratulations!

    I'm trying to imagine the Conga as it might take place in your neck of the woods. I fear that the Conga-goers synchronisation might be a tad lacking, and that the torches could be used for more arsony type purposes... Possibly?

    1. How dare you. Every night of the week you can see a perfectly orderly conga line all the way up Broad Street.

    2. A thousand apologies! I was unaware that you lived in the Conga Capital of the World (or, at least the West Midlands...)

    3. Apologies accepted. Now come here so I can hump your leg.

    4. Absolutely not! I saw you wiping your arse across the Axminster earlier when you thought no one could see you!


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