
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Two Insights from the Golden Dawn Tarot

The projected Order of the Golden Dawn-style tarot deck has had its publication put back again until February, and I'm really champing at the bit. Nonetheless while I wait I am slowly chewing over the available books about the order's approach to tarot. This is of course what lies behind the Rider Waite deck.

The order's Fool card is of course quite different from the RWS card. However speaking as a hound myself I can't believe it has taken me this long to notice just how punk the dog's collar is! It's really cool and implies the kind of uncontrolled wildness controlled by the child's innocence!


The order's Universe (or World) card is even more iconic because of being seen in a notebook kept by WB Yeats. Robert Wang in Qabalistic Tarot says that the twelve spheres are the zodiac (hence the universe) and the seventy-two pearls represent the names of God. However he also says that the shape formed by the spheres is the womb of the human mother and Great Mother passed through death. Now I must disclose that I am a raging homosexual and so have never seen a woman down there in reality and even I can see that is not the shape of a womb. It's a shape of something else. Ahem.

You won't find advertising on this blog but this punk dog coat is too much fun to miss!


  1. Yes, these do seem like beautiful cards. I like all the picture here. Are you a hound/dog according to the Chinese zodiac? Or just here among the coven? I'm a White Tiger and a winter tiger. It's said we come into our full power late in life, which would be right about now for me. Rawr! I'm agreeable to a variety of friends, who says dogs and cats can't be friends?

    1. They totally can. I'm really more cat like myself in reality, the hound thing was for the Hecate connection. I'm an ox in Chinese astrology, and you could probably tell by the way I am calm, inspire others and have little to say -straight face-


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