
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Urban Grimoire: Sex with the Dead for Samhain

So of course at this time of the year all the magic blogs are talking about family reunions for Samhain when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest. They all think this is so edgy and gothy so here we'll talk about having sex with a dead person of your choice.

Perhaps I should say that this is not a how to post, it's more a having an idea post. If you're advanced enough even to consider this magic you don't need The Hound to tell you how. You will already have spent considerable time communing across barriers and hanging around in graveyards.

I'm not going to lie, it will come as no surprise that the effect of even thinking about this magic on the fluffbunnies, has me rolling around on the floor clutching my sides. However regular readers will be familiar with my approach to witch ethics - the threefold law is bollocks and the whole point is that magic takes you beyond what is acceptable to you. Magic presents you with challenges that you have to deal with - while it is usually phrased in such a way that transgressive actions lead to magical power, in reality magic transgresses the magician. And that is what leads to the power - remember how the real target of magic is always in some way the magician?

In case any Llewellyn reader is in danger of a stroke let me explain why magic with the dead is ethically ok and is not rape. Remember how the magical world view is composed of multiple layers and a change made in one affects all the others? Here we are only having sex with the idea of the person. You won't need a condom, there can be no pregnancy or risk of an STI.

Nonetheless this is genuinely having sex with the person because the idea of the person is what's sometimes called the thought form or egregore of the person. An example of this would be the way Diana Dors used to tell her son that the reason she was always smiling and waving at people was she was being Diana Dors. In other words she was being the idea of Diana Dors. If by chance you've ever fantasised about Diana Dors, you have approached what I am talking about. It is no more sex with Diana Dors than sex with Diana Dors is.

And magical sex is actually real sex and not just a fantasy because of the intent. You are only meeting the thought form but you are actually doing It. In fact I have a quote about how this is actually sex:

but I say unto you, that every one that looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Jesus in Matthew 5:28

I think I can say without fear of contradiction that no other witchy blog has Jesus and Diana Dors as guest teachers.

Since this is sex on a different plane from the person there is just a danger that you can get them attached to you. For this reason I would advise not trying this with someone living and making sure you pick someone long dead with a strong and clear memory. Fairly long dead so that you are having sex with the egregore of a previous incarnation and the strong egregore speaks for itself. For example Marilyn Munroe, James Dean, or Marlon Brando.

I am not suggesting sex with Jesus. Although I can tell you for a fact he was circumcised. I don't think I have anything to add so I will wish you a happy feast of the dead, and.... Enjoy!

Just one thing, Ricki Starr is mine. All mine! 


  1. I can see why you like Ricki Starr. A fine figure of a man - and very elegant, too! He'd certainly keep you on your toes.

    I don't know who I'd flirt with beyond the veil in the hopes of getting some? Going with the Hallowe'en theme, Michael "Timothy Claypole" Staniforth, perhaps?

    1. Ooh I've just googled him out of motley and I quite see why! What an interesting and imaginative choice!
      The only trouble is I need to get the theme out of my head because that's Dirk Bogarde at the door....

  2. Quite the showman Ricki Starr is isn't he? Hahaha. I'm going to turn my eyes slyly to the side and pretend I know nothing about which you speak.

    1. I'm afraid I keep forgetting what I'm speaking about because I drift every time Ricki Starr is mentioned. He actually seems to have such magnetism that he has completely distracted attention from those two hunks Marlon Brando and Sal Mineo, which is quite something!


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