
Monday, May 21, 2018

Tarot : The Magician

I have written here before about Pamela Colman Smith's own preferred method of understanding the tarot cards, which is to get into the position of the characters. What has only recently struck me is that other images in our cultural memory can also assume the same positions and thus be linked energetically. I have always had difficulty with the Magician, but not since I saw this comparison somewhere on the Internet.
Who'd have made this connection without seeing it? And who'd have thought the Magician energy would be the same as a young man going out clubbing? Bit obvious when you think that dancing is widely used in magical traditions!
I'm quite sure I've commented on how John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever was an early crush of mine, so let's have a sound track for such is my Will. I do like a hairy chest and what's not to love about little black briefs?


  1. "Who'd have made this connection without seeing it?" - And now it cannot be unseen.

    The only John Travolta films I have any recollection of seeing are "Look Who's Talking" and "Phenomenon", and I don't think we got to see him in his pants in either! I feel like I'm missing out somewhat.

    1. Definitely missing out. That said I've never seen either of the other two. I hope you didn't miss Tom Cruise in his pants in Risky Business as well!

    2. I would happily miss Tom Cruise in anything. Urg!


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