
Friday, November 12, 2021

Weird Shit: The Incredible Power of the Coronavirus Vaccine

I should have known when I wrote about quack remedies the other week I would find the subject of health misinformation coming back.

There are two simple facts about modern medicine and vaccines in particular that covidiots don't understand. One is that no treatment in scientific medicine is 100% effective. Not one. That's just the way it works, and if you see a treatment that claims to be 100% effective, it's a quack remedy and should be avoided. The other one is that if you have the Coronavirus vaccine you are not guaranteed not to get the virus. You are however significantly less likely to get it and to die from it.

However the vaccine seems to have other incredible powers which I couldn't have foreseen. I actually can't really put them better than the tweet which heads this post. The vaccine combined with a vaccine mandate also serves to clear out idiotic health professionals, teachers and scientists who will happily put the rest of the population at risk for the sake of their ignorance.

There is literally no disadvantage to this and I can't speak for education but in every place I've ever worked in healthcare you didn't work there unless you had the mandatory hepatitis B vaccine.

Shame, poor dears.

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