
Monday, September 23, 2019

Getting to Know the Golden Dawn Tarot

Golden Dawn regalia
of Aleister Crowley
The rumours put around that I am spending my time off work in the company of a rent boy or masturbating are not true at all. In fact I am spending it getting to know the New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot - the one by the Ciceros.
I have written here before about my problem with Qabala. My problem is that the Major Arcana cards are placed on the pathways (well they have to be, there are 22 of them), whereas their importance would suggest they ought to be on the sephiroth. Cowley talks of them being illuminated by the sephiroth, and I think it should be the other way around. This is only one of the orthodoxies of tarot which I find hard to swallow, and thus I will always incline to witchcraft. Can you imagine what I'd be like in a Golden Dawn temple?
Despite my chronic INFJ mixture of total conformity and simultaneous anarchy, which would make me unfitted to a magical order and even used to make my own mother say she couldn't make me out, I find the Golden Dawn fascinating. In the way I do Freemasonry, but would never join, because it is another of the ingredients of modern witchcraft. The true historical predecessors, the cunning men and women, got their magic from the grimoire tradition, and thus this theft is in a great tradition. I particularly like this article about Doreen Valiente drinking from this well before she met Old Gerald.
Personally the reason I want to get to grips with the Golden Dawn tarot is that if you've seen it, it crackles with magic! It is also the tradition underlying both the Rider-Waite and Thoth traditions so is a venerable ancestor. I have a feeling that learning its system will illuminate much that comes afterwards in tarot.


  1. What about the rumours that you are spending your time off work in the company of a rent boy *and* masturbating?

    Oh, and while I'm copy-pasting/quoting: "its system will illuminate much that comes afterwards in tarot" - or, blow out those candles and turn the light on, you silly witch!*

    P.S. I hope you get to grips with the Golden Dawn soon as, while much of it goes over my head, I like to hear about your continuing tarot grappling!

    * Not directed at you, as I don't see you as one to fart-arse around with candles when a perectly good electric light will do a far superior job.

    1. Sigh. Well yes, it ought to but of course one takes steps back with every forward one with these things. I am currently wondering what the GD people were smoking to make them come up with their Hierophant design.
      But hey ho, we carry on. If you don't read about it here it's either because I can't say it or have given up.
      (or am getting a bit)


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