
Monday, November 23, 2020

Witch Ethics Again

I have been thinking of a phrase somebody used to me once - she referred to 'doing the right thing'. Up until a few years ago I would probably have resisted the idea of a fixed right thing to do, although would have wanted to look at underlying principles.

It will surprise everyone that I have even a vague awareness that professional negotiators can use underlying principles to cause two opposite factions to agree. However it will come as no surprise that I think people usually don't think about principles enough.

Those principles can also stop fake compliance to an assumed agreement.

Those principles are actually strikingly like what the witch works with all the time - the many layers and levels, unseen entities and realities.

Therefore witchcraft can also resolve differences and incompatibilities. But this won't be needed if the person does what is right to start off with and doesn't need the karmic bump.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Wonderful news

 Live from the White House this afternoon