
Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Law of Return

Nobody will be surprised that I am very suspicious of any philosophy which lays down that what you give out, you give back. As a witch I am quick to see patterns of control and here I see a philosophy which only works as long as everyone else is living by it. It is also a philosophy which is influenced by a person's ideas about forgiveness and what have you.
Take the example of Trump, which is so easy it is a textbook example. He does not experience the treatment he gives other people. And Divine knew what he was about.
It is so obvious to me that there is no automatic return of what we give out, and I believe that it is to misunderstand karma to understand it this way. Rightly or wrongly I understand karma to mean words to the effect of 'you've made your bed and must lie in it'.
I like the approach of the heathens very much, since they seek to live by honour and defend their kin. Unfortunately their values are a little family-based for me, I can't pronounce any of the words, and being a priest of a Greek goddess wouldn't fit well with them.
What I do know empirically is that if you shy away from the tasks facing you  they will keep facing you again. I also know that people's magic has a theme, for example some witches keep having to heal, or reconcile, or teach.
Beyond that, there doesn't have to be a reason why things happen. We seek to find reasons for things, and while I believe broadly in reincarnation I do not think our arbitrary world causes things to happen for a reason.
Oh sod it. Have a soundtrack.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

'Tis the Season

And so we arrive at the season of ill will and even more ridiculous stuff than usual. So it's time for a few inflammatory comments from the Hound.
If you should go to a nearby city for its Christmas Market, there are two things you need to know. The first is that those bright things you can see are electric lights and it's not really that wondrous. The other thing is that in a city you keep moving. The stream of people around you will not stop just because you have.
As an old school anarchist I am delighted to hear of so many planned spoiled votes this election. The parties represent only themselves and anything which will stop one of them being in control is very welcome. However I will make one prediction - the days are gone when tiny countries could survive and leaving Europe will mean we end up in a union with the US. Think very carefully what that will mean before voting.
In wonderful news I am baby sitting someone's cat for a few months. He is a gorgeous black cat and of course I understand him better than his normal human, but then cats and witches go together.