
Friday, June 7, 2024

The Hound's Endorsed Candidates

Never slow to tell the rest of the world what is good for them, here is a short list of candidates who are lucky enough to receive my endorsement and blessing in the forthcoming General Election. Obviously there's one party which particularly appeals to me (pictured) but I have more varied endorsements. And we all know it's lucky to have the witch's blessing.

Birmingham (all constituencies): the Green Party candidate.

Brighton Pavilion: Berry (Green).

Bristol Central: Denyer (Green).

Chingford and Woodford Green: Shaheen (Independent).

Clacton: Watling (Conservative as a tactical vote against Reform, since a Conservative government is unlikely and all I can say is I've never been there but already want to leave the place 😱).

Dorset East: Take (Conservative - this is of course because Sir Michael is a personal friend).

Godalming and Ash: Follows (Lib Dem).

Hackney North and Stoke Newington: Abbott (Labour).

Holborn and St Pancras: Weinstein (Independent).

Ilford North: Mohamad (Independent).

Isle of Wight East: Lowthion (Green).

Islington North: Corbyn (Independent).

Leeds South West and Morley: Seward (Labour).

North East Somerset and Hanham: Norris (Labour).

North Herefordshire: Chowns (Green).

Portsmouth North: Martin (Labour).

Richmond and North Allerton: Binface (Count Binface Party).

Rotherham: Atkinson (Yorkshire).

South West Norfolk: Jermy (Labour).

Stoke-on-Trent North: Williams (Labour).

Waveney Valley: Ramsay (Green). In fact the previous Tory MP has jumped ship here and is endorsing the Green candidate.

Westminster: Larry (Cat).

Without bogging down the post with reasons for each recommendation (the Labour and Lib Dem ones are all tactical votes against particularly odious Tories), if you know the situation you will mainly see a left inclination and championing some underdogs (lol). I used to advocate tactical voting to get rid of the Tories across the board but with the wipeout they're clearly going to get, instead I now recommend tactical voting with the aim of sabotaging our two dominant parties which will force parliamentary reform. To achieve this the way is not to vote Labour or Conservative but to vote for minority parties or left-leaning independents, with the aim of attaining a hung parliament. Or else, if they're strong in your constituency, voting Lib Dems to try to get them into opposition. First Past the Post was designed to favour only two parties and this would increase the likelihood of them being the next government and the Tories being who the fuck cares where.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


I posted some time ago that I wasn't cursing my then MP, incumbent Labour MP since 2010 and now Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate. I said that she has cursed herself by annoying a considerable part of the constituency. Then a complete unknown Independent candidate who took 20% of the votes for West Midlands mayor out of nowhere, stood as an independent in this constituency. Despite this being one of the safest Labour constituencies in the country Labour are worried and have declared this a battleground seat. Of course I wouldn't be a witch if I didn't meddle.

But first look at the Royal Proclamation at the top, bringing that terrible parliament to an end. What a thing of beauty! In fact I love this bit of an election where there are no MPs and parliament is dissolved completely!

As it happens I'm not going to vote for the independent, because I have some reservations about him. Instead I'm going to vote Green, not only because I want a Green government but with the intention of dividing Labour's HUGE majority as much as possible. There is no risk of returning a Conservative here: we haven't had a Tory MP since World War 2 and the highest percentage they've got recently is 12%. My plan is a long term one because I think the same MP will be returned again with a smaller majority: the aim is to encourage people locally to feel able to vote for something other than Labour.

As this candle burns down Shabhana Mahmood's majority falls and falls and falls.

Frankly we're in the unique position for the UK that the Tory party is on life support and the right wing is divided by two parties, ie exactly the same problem that means we don't get left wing governments. I think it is the time therefore to vote for what we really want. The best outcome would be a hung parliament IMO although we won't get that, and I'd love the Opposition to be Lib Dem. Mainly because it would increase the likelihood of them being the next government in our First Past the Post system but who wouldn't vote for them after this stunt?