
Sunday, August 21, 2022

Tarot: Trump Yet Again

The action isn't slowing down over there is it? I have pulled cards several times for what is going on in Trump's head and they have tended to be all over the place. This reading, though, is based on the speculation in the media that the person who gave the DOJ just reason to search his rat-infested golf motel was someone very close, probably a family member.

Normally when the cards produce a completely contradictory reading it means exactly what you would think and what you would expect in Trump's situation: that his thoughts and emotions are like the cards. I finally pulled these cards which felt like a more stable resolution of his thoughts.

So, contrary to what's happened previously these are all Minor Arcana so he's feeling less out of control and feeling the situation is more within his grasp. I am impressed that two out of three cards are Swords, which represent the element air and thus thoughts. Given that he is notoriously like a toddler with the attention span of a goldfish who can't cope without having his impulses gratified every second this is actually quite strange. I was expecting the cards to be all emotion. Perhaps his new lawyer since all the others are disbarred or in prison, is a calming influence.

1. 4 of Swords. Rest from Strife. This may seem an odd card to get for man facing so much litigation until you know that the 'rest' here is one that is enforced. It can mean a genuine rest, although would be more likely to be a rest in hospital than a holiday, but is a situation where you can't do anything. This continues the feeling of powerlessness in my previous readings about his situation. If it's any consolation, for the ultimate mobster and grifter, the idea that he can't influence this must be driving him wild. 

2. 8 of Swords. Shortened Force. I like to think of this as the drama queen card, and there is a great tradition that any problems referred to by this card are usually self inflicted. Of course it always indicates a crisis, and usually indicates conflicting desires (no shit) and the shortened force thing means that you may be expending energy all over the place and focusing on the wrong things. Since Trump is used to other people being loyal to him and taking the rap for him I think he is predominantly furious that he suspects a traitor. I also don't think he knows who it is and won't successfully find out. Personally I think it's pretty sad that he can suspect pretty much anyone in the family because that is the way his family functions. It also means he can't confide in anyone. Shame.

3. 10 of Cups. Perfected Success. This may seem a strange image for a crime family who are quite likely to be grassing each other up to the authorities, but I did say that the cards have been all over the place. I'm going to put it out there and say that I suspect Trump can't believe a family member has likely flipped and still thinks his dynasty is going to be ok. He really is without insight.

As for how this is going to end, I'm not a great one for predictive readings anyway, and in such an unstable, complex situation you would be bound to be disappointed. But given that Trump is 76 and not what you would call thin, there is another way of working out how this will end. Using this calculator and information in the public domain (I counted the golf as a workout and used the weight he gave Dr Oz when he first became president so I've probably been slightly generous) he came out with a life expectancy of 91 and a 75% chance of living to 85. I was quite surprised that this was so good given that he is overweight, so I've used my witch's and nurse's killer instinct to gain an impression.

Against Trump living to absolutely ancient: he's overweight and looks like he's gaining rather than losing, he lives on junk food, he has a stressful life.

For Trump living to be absolutely ancient: his parents lived to be 88 and 93 respectively (that's a biggie, you can't escape those genes), he does take some exercise, he has avoided booze and fags because of his elder brother. His siblings are all alive and well except for Fred Trump Jr, whose death was caused by alcohol, and Robert Trump, and the publicly available reason for his death was brain bleeds after a fall.

So I would conclude that Trump will live to see the conclusion of at least some of the lawsuits he faces, and it depends on prosecutors making a case and finding an unbiased jury. I have read that the reasons his current team are giving out to try to hold prosecutors off don't have a basis in law so it looks like his favourite strategy of spinning things out has run out of ground. Also he's running out of lawyers and let's face it nobody who is any good would take him on.

I think this is actually going to end up in court because his secret service detail is like a tag round his ankle and he won't be able to escape and end his days in Moscow.

How good would that be, if the implications of having been president forced him to face justice.

Now you may quite reasonably point out that I'm not even in the country where all this is going on, and I would be better off reading about our current Fascist government and its ongoing plan to turn this into one of the richest countries of the world where the population live in abject poverty. I will happily admit to a certain element of distraction from our own ills by focusing on events of another country. However the main reason I'm not feeling the need to read for the UK political scene is that I know it has to get much worse before it gets better. There is going to have to be even more hardship to make people realize that the Tories must not get in, and make them realize the only way to do this is vote Labour, whether or not they like Starmer. So in witchy terms sadly it has to stay on the burner. 

The only consolation is that in addition to the poor people who will starve or freeze to death this winter and whose deaths will scream for vengeance, every old person who dies will reduce the pool of likely Tory voters.

Grim, I know. But in good news if we ever get this country functioning again, the common law offence of misconduct in public office carries a sentence of life imprisonment. 

Get more popcorn in.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Tarot: Trump Again

Well, that escalated quickly. And in the approximately five minutes since I last posted a reading on what was going on in tRump's 'mind' the prophetic words of ProximaBlue, 'This only a foreshadowing,' have been echoing around in the universe. 

I've been sounding like a strange sweary version of Robin all week. Holy shit, espionage. Holy shit, the lawyer told the FBI the papers had all been returned. Holy shit, Bratt had to be there in person because nobody else in the DOJ had high enough clearance to see the documents. Holy shit, nuclear codes. Holy shit, espionage. Holy shit Merrick Garland isn't messing around. Holy shit he's fucked. Holy shit they're finger printing every page. Holy shit ten years jail for EVERY PAGE. Holy shit he's going to find out why we don't have sockets in the bathroom because of 240V current in the UK.* Holy shit even the US doesn't have a big enough prison. Holy shit he's melting down because someone has informed. Holy shit I'm glad I'm not on the secret service detail to 'protect' (i.e. stop him leaving the country) him. Holy shit New York are doing an execution on the tRump organization and its assets of $2 43c.

Anyway, of course I wanted to get into tRump's head as his empire crumbles.

The first thing that became apparent was that the cards weren't coming out at all easily as I shuffled them. I was just shuffling and letting any that would, leap out but they just weren't. Given that we're talking about a man with the maturity of a toddler, distress tolerance of your average narcissist and impulse control of a goat, I was surprised at this. Sometimes it just means that someone is very well defended, which would not be the case with tRump because normally I don't think he holds anything back. I think it means something has changed, and he's not sure what to think. If you want to read someone's thoughts and nothing comes out, it means there's nothing coherent. Strangely, no rage, though. I think he realizes he's in unaccustomed territory and is at a loss.

Both cards which did come out were Major Arcana, so he rightly thinks things are out of his control.

1. King of Cups. The King is obviously the one who maintains structure and is the authority figure so I feel this may represent Trump's thoughts about himself. This king can mean subconscious images arising. Cups represent the water element, so unsurprisingly for him represent emotions and relationships, so I think this means he is mainly thinking about his relationships and family. 

Given that the card shows the authority figure on a stable (genius) island surrounded by the changeable waves, I think he feels deeply betrayed and I think this is his main sensation. It's like waves of betrayal from his nearest and dearest trying to wash him away.. He is feeling all this happening around him and still thinks he is the solid authority figure holding his emblems of authority.

2. Queen of Pentacles. Just two court cards is unusual so they're likely to represent two people. Not looking at each other, but surely at this point nobody expects the tRump family to be functioning except in a purely transactional way, do they?

I think the Queen represents the person tRump thinks 'betrayed' him to the FBI. This queen is literally all about fertility and she literally represents the act of impregnation. Even though he's a filthy fuck and I wouldn't put incest past him, I don't think this represents Ivanka, I think the child birth aspects represent Melania and I think he suspects her of grassing him up.

To be fair if you were married to him you would do, but I think the FBI's informant could have been pretty well anyone he's spoken to in the past six months or even the secret service if they overhead or saw something. I wouldn't put it past him to show off the top secret papers to a random visitor.

The most notable thing really is that these cards don't have an obvious connection to a man facing multiple legal cases, one of which can carry the federal death sentence, FFS. He still lacks insight, still doesn't think any of it should be happening and is preoccupied with who has betrayed him. Jesus, after a twenty year career in mental health nursing even I'm finding this unreal.

So the bets are off as to what will happen. I suspect that he'll work his way through more lawyers before this is over, and what kind of masochist would take him on at this point.

It's Barron I feel sorry for, being young enough not to have actually had any involvement in the business. But who knows, perhaps he's handled the nuclear codes. Jesus. TRump's niece Mary is one of my favourite people and estranged from him. I'm about to start rereading her book about the family, Too Much and Never Enough.

But one thing is for certain, the Justice Department are going to go for it. Over there you've still got a more functioning system than us and I doubt we would get to the point where Johnson would face prosecution for misconduct in public office and THAT unaccompanied meeting he had with Russians, just like Trump.

*You may consider this comment tasteless. Well, good. If you didn't think that about this blog there would be something wrong with you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Tarot: Reading about the Warrant on Mar-a-lago

Of course you all knew I wouldn't be able to leave this one alone and would have to draw some cards on The Former Guy's thoughts and feelings about the FBI executing the search warrant on his rat infested golf motel.

1. The Chariot. Major Arcana card so he feels like it's out of control, he desperately wants to regain control and be protected. The enclosure referred to in the card can be a protective shell, and that's what he would like. His niece, Mary L Trump, commented that this is the first time in his life he's had to negotiate the world without a protective cushion.

2. Five of Cups. Fives are always unstable, and Cups are about relationships or emotions. He's feeling betrayed and a few tantrums have been thrown. If you look closely the wine pouring out of the cups looks like ketchup. I bet he's got Ivanka to comfort him but this won't help because....

3. 6 of Wands. This looks like, and usually is, victory, but this reading is Trump's own thoughts, and he thinks he's going to win this. This would conform with his standard conscienceless behaviour and almost certainly won't match reality, if the commentary on how the FBI would go about obtaining a warrant is true - recent evidence, etc.

It's interesting how this reading conforms completely to the published summaries of his likely mental state and particularly to his lack of insight. I think the FBI have got recent evidence of a crime beyond merely stealing presidential documents and I think he'll be going down.

I see that when I previously published a reading about the Trump family I thought that it may not happen in Trump's lifetime but that the edifice could well collapse, and I was thinking it would be a financial collapse. According to the comments on the internet about what is likely to have prompted the FBI to do this, he may well have shot himself in the foot.


Monday, August 1, 2022

Agony Hound: Late Brother's Partner Suing Family for Money

Of course technically this ought to be Legal Beagle rather than Agony Hound but I don't want to start a whole new tag for this one, which is largely here for its entertainment value because the matter is completely clear cut. It was originally on the r/legaladvice subreddit but has been removed so I've got it from the Wayback Machine. Here's the question:

Our brother age 34M died of cancer 9 months ago. He was very successful and left behind money and assets. He also had a Will. My brother was also in a gay relationship for 8 years with a 28M partner. Our family is religious and yes we may not have approved the relationship we still loved our brother. He unfortunately died of cancer and left a will. Left most of the money to his gay partner. They weren't even married. We decided money to be kept within the family and but gave his partner some money. We also paid for brothers funeral and medical Bill's. We thought that was the end of it. But now his ex partner is suing us for the rest of the funds. I don't know how he got hold of the will. My family is still grieving and now this man wants to take us to court. Trying to see how to solve this without involving the court. Thank you for your advice

The Hound says: Fuck you and I hope the boyfriend makes you live in penury for the rest of your lives.

But let's also see the other responses to this ridiculousness.

So, things you can worry about:

  • To be sued for the value of everything that was detailed to him in the will. You will almost certainly lose.

  • Punitive damages. Don't be surprised if they go for triple.

  • You'll be on the hook for attorney's fees.

  • If the value was >$1200, then the sister could, in theory, be charged with felony theft/conversion and/or contempt of the probate court. That would also come with fees and possible jail time.

The real question is who the court will force to repay the money. The person with the most exposure is the sister, as the executor. She's looking at a complete and total wipeout, and she cannot discharge that debt in bankruptcy. She can expect wages to be garnished, tax refunds and lottery winnings to be garnished, her credit to be trashed, and if she is charged with anything, severely limited future employment prospects

Can I just say how much I love the US English idiom of garnishing wages, in this case garnished with retribution and retaliation?

My sister was in charge of the will, according to his partner he did not want to be in charge because ' he didn't want to deal with us' 'he hates us' so my sister who was best friends with my brother acted as the middle ground for us and his partner. We were shocked when we read the will. We didn't expect it to be that unfair. I am trying to make it right

level 3
1.5k points·1 day ago

You can make it right by paying him what he is owed voluntarily. If you don't, the courts will get it from you. Either way, this ends the same for you, assuming you don't face criminal charges for, you know, stealing from him.

Have you considered that maybe this guy hates you because you're the kind of people who defraud him from his rightful property, then cry foul when he asks for it back.

Oh yeah, lawyer up. You'll need one badly.

level 3
Quality Contributor1.9k points·1 day ago

because ' he didn't want to deal with us' 'he hates us'

That's generally the response to halfwits who rob you, yes.

You make this right by giving him everything he's owed according to the will and asking him very, very nicely not to sue you or file a police report.

And this is my personal favourite answer to them:

> Our family is religious and yes we may not have approved the relationship we still loved our brother.... We decided money to be kept within the family.

You just admitted to theft on the internet. Thoughts and prayers

This makes me so happy.